version 0.8.4, 7/15/2023, 3:24:12 PM`

Next Up…

The next release cycle of Fiddle already under way. Let us know what we should be working us via email: support @ Please let us know if you would like to be added to our mailing list.

What's New in Fiddle

0.8.3 (Tidal) Feb 23


The tenth release of Fiddle, Tidal, introduces integration with the experimental livecoding environment, TidalCycles Strudel. Details of the integration with Fiddle and ChucK can be found here. The Tidal Node example is here.

New SampleMgr Node and Chugin automates the management of internet-hosted audio sample files using http and https to populate a local cache on demand.

New SampleInst a polyphonic sample playing instrument with support for SampleMgr.

DbGrainBuf chugin now supports .mp3 and .flac file formats. It can be used as a drop-in replacement for SndBuf (bypass(1)).

DbTidalFX chugin implements Strudle's WebAudio effects pipeline.

Fiddle App


New Strudel Panel. Includes support for OSC websocket relaying.

Enhancements, Bugfixes

Enhanced visual feedback in Graph Editor for pedalboard/programatic changes to node Bypass/Enable. This affects graphs that include FX, Filter or AudioIO nodes.

Migrated to from C3 to C4 convention for MIDI pitch notation following the Scientific pitch notation standard.

Bugfix: ChucK graphs with cycles no longer bork.

Upgraded Electron framework to

Fiddle Runtime


Tidal Node distributes Strudel OSC events to ChucK instruments and effects. It also includes a built-in Strudel-like synth engine.

SampleMgr Node automates management of internal-hosted sample files. It puts a face on the new DbSampleMgr chugin.

DbPriorityQ chugin implements a sorting algorithm to facilitate the scheduling of Strudel events.

DelayFB, DelayFB2 new effects nodes to handle mono and stereo delay lines with feedback.

SampleInst new polyphonic sample playing instrument with support for SampleMgr.

Enhancements, Bugfixes

More uniformity in use of Bypass parameter for effect bypassing.

Fixed MIDI:ProgramChange for Dexed instrument.

Fixed bug preventing certain instruments from working (doh!).


Upgrade to ChucK (WIP)

0.8.2 (Boxed In) June 22


The ninth release of Fiddle (Boxed In) introduces the Box2D node and plotting surface. This node simulates a 2D physics world. Now you can use classical mechanics to generate notes and control events for your musical compositions. Hey, who said physics was useless?

Fiddle App


New Box2D plotting surface.

Enhancements, Bugfixes

GraphEditor Inspector panel has improved layout for multi-member parameters.

Audio and Video files in Fiddle Docs now play correctly on Mac.

Fiddle Runtime


New Box2D node and DbBox2D chugin.

Enhancements, Bugfixes

TimeKeeper now has optional Count-out to express ring-time.

AudioFileOut has improved help-text and auto-triggers shutdown after ring-time.

New utility types,, etc.

0.8.1 (Octave) June '22


The eighth release of Fiddle introduces the CCImageSampler and CCGen2D nodes.

Fiddle App

Enhancements, Bugfixes

We now build against Debian 11. Gotta keep up with the Joneses.

Bugfix: deep links into docs no longer obliviate the titlebar.

Bugfix: window resize on MacOS produced incorrect panel scrolling.

Fiddle Runtime


New FluidDrumKit node with support for stereo placement of FluidSynth drumkit elements. Also selection from General MIDI kits works more reliably.

New ImageSampler node and associated chugin allows you to express control signals using an image. The integrated Image Editor allows you to paint/update the image during performance.

New CCGen2D node for generating 2 dimensional control signals.

Enhancements, Bugfixes

Enhancement: new Fluid chugin methods selectPreset, cc, setVerbosity.

Bugfix: FluidSynth node interprets MIDI velocity differently. Velocity is now 30 percent higher than previous releases. Existing files may need to be re-adjusted.

Bugfix: FGrid chugin better handles section-ends.

Updgrade fluidsynth to version 2.2.7 (Windows, MacOS, Debian 11)

0.8.0 (Dominant Seventh) May '22

The seventh release of Fiddle shipped on May 30, 2022 and sports enhanced controls over your beats.

Fiddle App

Enhancements, Bugfixes

Fiddle Runtime

Enhancements, Bugfixes

0.7.9 (Bugfix) May '22

Fiddle App

Enhancements, Bugfixes


0.7.8 (Major Sixth) May '22

The sixth release of Fiddle features a new Image Editor, a new Dexed-based FM instrument and a new Spectral effects node.

Fiddle App

Fixes, Enhancements

Fiddle Runtime

Fixes, Enhancements


0.7.7 (Augmented Fifth) April 22

The fifth release of Fiddle introduces a Looper workflow.

Fiddle App

Bugfixes, Misc Changes

Fiddle Runtime


0.7.6 (Come fourth and Fiddle) Apr 22

Fiddle App



Bugfixes, Misc Changes

Fiddle Runtime


0.7.5 (Beta 3, not second Fiddle) Mar 22

Fiddle App


Fiddle Runtime


New LiCK effects and examples.


0.7.4 (beta 2, second Fiddle) Feb 22

Fiddle App


New Workspace Menu with file-extension filtering.

Workspace autoscroll behavior.

Column greeking for NSPlot note labels.


Soundplayer AIFF 'twos' and 'sowt' encoding.

Fixed menubar behavior when clicking twice on the same icon.

Keyboard-base Documentation Navigation improved.

Deleting nodes in Graph Editor didn't "dirty" the file.

Fiddle Runtime


New NSFilter node.

New examples for Sigmund, Pitchtrack, and CCMouse.

New PitShift control, ShiftInterval.

New LiCK effects and examples.

New DbLiCKDistort chugin in support of Chew and AnalogDelay effects.

New DbLiCKLFO chugin in support of LFO, Tremolo etc.


0.7.3 (first public beta) Feb 22

The first public release.

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