/ Examples / Control / Session Grid

Projects .. AudioIO .. Control
NoteStreams .. Instruments
Filters .. Effects .. LiCK Effects
Plot .. Utility .. Pure ChucK

Wherein we demonstrate the raw power of Session Grids.

Right-click to copy this example to your workspace

Theory of Operation

A Session Grid is be used to schedule or trigger downstream notestreams like NoteGrid. It can play a role analogous to the Timeline or Session View in most DAWs. The Grid Editor is used to produce the session grid files that drive the Session Grid node.

This example offers you two projects for the price of one. The first, Tempo Session introduces the basic capabilities of a Session Grid. The second The Challenge is a sort of Rube Goldberg Machine intended to confuse, amaze, amuse. Your challenge is to understand its functional components.

Tempo Session

Here's the graph, tempoSession.chg. The top row is a run-of-the-mill notestream-based synthesis subgraph. Below that, the SessionGrid node is delivering messages to control the TimeKeeper in a fashion similar to that presented in this example.

The SessionGrid node's File parameter is set to tempoSession.fgrd shown below. This file has a single cell with a duration of 21 measures. Within that cell you can see a reddish graph of the BPMPct. In the right sidepanel we see that BPMPct is both visiable and drawable and this means that you can use your mouse to "draw" the tempo changes for this session. Having drawn this nice picture, you might wonder what range of tempos does this graph represent? This question is answered by inspecting the Remapper node where you'll find that we remap the graph range [0, 1] onto real BPM values [100, 200].

When you perform this graph you can follow-along in the Grid Editor and watch the tempo evolve. Easy as pi.

Extra credit:

The Challenge

The files, theChallenge.chg and theChallenge.fgrd form the foundation of this challenge which is merely to understand how this Rube Goldberg machine works. Most session files aren't this crazy but understanding this one fully will sharpen your Session-Grokking skills. Here are some tools and techniques to help you in this quest:

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