/ Examples / LkEffects / LFO

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Wherein we present a slightly enhanced version of LiCK's LFO effect.

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Our implementation of LiCK's LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) effect is built atop the DbLiCKLFO chugin. This node is a swiss army knife LFO that can be used for all your audio survivalist needs. In contrast to other Fiddle Controllers, it always runs at the audio rate. LkLFO comprises 8 different "oscillators" than can be mixed in any proportion you like according to their weight. In the common case where you want only a single oscillator, just zero out all the other oscillator weights.

Common use-cases:

inlet a connection port for your input audio signal.

Controller a connection port for input control signals.

Freq controls the frequency of the oscillators Saw, Sine, Sqr, Tri, and Hyper. For LFOs, this frequency is usally well below 20 Hz. That said, you can pick any audio frequency that suits your fancy.

Range controls the output signal range. For audio signal generation these values should b symetric around 0, like [-1, 1]. For amplitude modulation, you might select values like [.5, 1].

Modulate enables input signal modulation mode where the (required) input signal is multiplied by the LFO result. If you select this option and no input signal is connected you'll get a wonderfully modulated bunch of zeros.

Preset allows you to quickly select weights for the common simple cases.

SawW, SineW, SqrW, TriW control weights for these common oscillators.

HyperW controls the weight of LiCK's hyper lfo. Because this oscillator sweeps expoentially through its range, it is useful controlling frequency or amplitude sweeps.

SampleHoldW, SSampleHoldW control for the sample and hold "oscillators". If you have non-zero values for these weight you should make sure to connect an input signal. Both effects periodically sample the input signal, then hold that value for the SignalHold duration below. SSampleHoldW "smooths-out" the sampling step function over a duration controlled by SmoothHold below.

FNoiseW controls the internal filtered noise "oscillator". As with the SampleHold effects, FNoise uses an internal noise generator as its signal. A new random number is generated at a rate controlled by NoiseHold below. A lowpass filter is applied to the result.

SignalHold, SmoothHold, NoiseHold control the hold durations for the special "oscillators" described above.

CCName is the name of a control signal to deliver sampled events to nodes connected downstream frmo Ctrl.

Bypass allows you to bypass the effect.

The Example

In this example we produce a slow arpeggio so you can focus on the modulation effect produced by LkLFO.

Things to try:

You can view two different plots each with its own sample rate. Here is the CCSampler plot where the LFO amplitude modulation is evident.

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