/ Examples / Filters / PoleZero

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Wherein we present a PoleZero filter.

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The PoleZero filter can operate either as an All Pass Filter or a DC Blocker. It's a handy tool in Digital Waveguide Synthesis but you may find other interesting applications for it.

Mode allows you to choose between Allpass and DCBlocker.

AllPass the pole position on the real axis of the z-plane. This is ignored for DCBlocker mode.

BlockZero is a parameter, typically between .9 and 1 that establishes a pole location near DC. The default value of .995 usually suffices. This parameter is ignored when in Allpass mode.

Gain multiples the input signal before filtering.

op allows you to bypass the filter by selecting passthrough.

The Example

In this example we've merely wired a typical noisy filter pipeline into the PoleZero filter. We leave it to you manually dabble with the parameter settings or setup your own CCGenerator control rig.

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