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ChucK basic filters

BPF | BRF | LPF | HPF | ResonZ
BiQuad | OnePole | TwoPole | OneZero | TwoZero | PoleZero



FilterBasic is the base class for several simple filters.

FilterBasic.functions Filter base class.
see UGen
float Q(), Q(float val) Get/set filter resonance
float freq(), freq(float val) Get/set filter cutoff/center frequency.
void set(float freq, float Q) Set filter frequency and resonance at the same time.


BPF is a band pass filter. 2nd order Butterworth. (In the future, this class may be expanded so that order and type of filter can be set).

see FilterBasic
see bp.ck


BRF is a band reject filter. 2nd order Butterworth. (In the future, this class may be expanded so that order and type of filter can be set).

see FilterBasic
see br.ck


LPF is a resonant low pass filter. 2nd order Butterworth. (In the future, this class may be expanded so that order and type of filter can be set).

see FilterBasic
see lp.ck


HPF is a resonant high pass filter. 2nd order Butterworth. (In the future, this class may be expanded so that order and type of filter can be set).

see FilterBasic
see hp.ck


ResonZ Resonance filter. BiQuad with equal-gain zeros. Keeps gain under control independent of frequency.

see FilterBasic
see resonz.ck


BiQuad STK biquad (two-pole, two-zero) filter class. This protected Filter subclass implements a two-pole, two-zero digital filter. A method is provided for creating a resonance in the frequency response while maintaining a constant filter gain.
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2002.

BiQuad.functions Description
float a0(), a0(float) get/set a0 coefficient
float a1(), a1(float) get/set a1 coefficient
float a2(), a2(float) get/set a2 coefficient
float b0(), b0(float) get/set b0 coefficient
float b1(), b1(float) get/set b1 coefficient
float b2(), b2(float) get/set b2 coefficient
float pfreq(), pfreq(float) get/set resonance frequency (poles)
float prad(), prad(float) get/set pole radius (less than 1 to be stable)
float zfreq(), zfreq(float) get/set notch frequency
float zrad(), zrad(float) get/set zero radius
float norm(), norm(float) get/set normalization
float eqzs(), eqzs(float) get/set equal gain zeroes


OnePole This protected Filter subclass implements a one-pole digital filter. A method is provided for setting the pole position along the real axis of the z-plane while maintaining a constant peak filter gain.
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2002.

OnePole.functions Description
float a1(), a1(float) get/set filter coefficient
float b0(), b0(float) get/set filter coefficient
float pole(), pole(float) get/set pole position along real axis of z-plane


TwoPole This protected Filter subclass implements a two-pole digital filter. A method is provided for creating a resonance in the frequency response while maintaining a nearly constant filter gain.
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2002.

TwoPole.functions Description
float a1(), a1(float) filter coefficient
float a2(), a2(float) filter coefficient
float b0(), b0(float) filter coefficient
float freq(), freq(float) filter resonance frequency
float radius(), radius(float) filter resonance radius
float norm(), norm(float) toggle filter normalization
see: powerup.ck


OneZero This protected Filter subclass implements a one-zero digital filter. A method is provided for setting the zero position along the real axis of the z-plane while maintaining a constant filter gain.
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2002.

OneZero.functions Description
float zero(), zero(float) get/set zero position
float b0(), b0(float) get/set filter coefficient
float b1(), b1(float) get/set filter coefficient


TwoZero This protected Filter subclass implements a two-zero digital filter. A method is provided for creating a "notch" in the frequency response while maintaining a constant filter gain.
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2002.

TwoZero.functions Description
float b0(), b0(float) filter coefficient
float b1(), b1(float) filter coefficient
float b2(), b2(float) filter coefficient
float freq(), freq(float) filter notch frequency
float radius(), radius(float) filter notch radius


PoleZero This protected Filter subclass implements a one-pole, one-zero digital filter. A method is provided for creating an allpass filter with a given coefficient. Another method is provided to create a DC blocking filter.
by Perry R. Cook and Gary P. Scavone, 1995 - 2002.

PoleZero.functions Description
float a1(), a1(float) get/set filter coefficient
float b0(), b0(float) get/set filter coefficient
float b1(), b1(float) get/set filter coefficient
float blockZero(), blockZero(float) get/set DC blocking filter with given pole position
float allpass(), allpass(float) get/set allpass filter with given coefficient
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