/ Examples / LkEffects / Chew

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NoteStreams .. Instruments
Filters .. Effects .. LiCK Effects
Plot .. Utility .. Pure ChucK

Wherein we present LiCK's Chew effect.

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LiCK's Chew distortion replaces the input signal with a triangle wave when it exceeds a signal threshold.

inlet a connection port for your input audio signal.

Controller a connection port for input control signals.

Tri0Freq/ Tri1Freq the frequency of the triangle waves when distortion kicks in. These values can be automated as a gang via the Freq channel.

Tri0Depth/ Tri1Depth the depth of the triangle waves. This value controls the amount of input signal that is "chewed on". These values can be automated together via the Depth channel.

Gain multiplier for input signal.

Bypass allows you to bypass the effect.

The Example

In this example our CCGenerator node automates LkChew's Depth parameter from .7 to .9 which is where the effect becomes noticeable. Also, the Euclid node is used to both produce notes for Hevy Metl and to change Chew's oscillation frequency.

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