/ Examples / Control / CCMouse

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Wherein we catch the proverbial mouse.

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CCMouse is a Control node than generates CC events driven by your computer's mouse. Unless overridden by Aliases, CCMouse produces CCs for these names: MouseX, MouseDX, MouseY, MouseDY, MouseB1, MouseB2 and MouseB3.

Controller connect an optional controller here to capture session events.

Device only set to non-zero if you have multiple mouse-like devices. Use the chuck-probe feature to get a dump of device ids.

XScale/YScale mouse deltas are typically small +/- integer values. This scale will be applied to the delta values and affect the total values in proportion. If you'd like the mouse to range over around [-.5, .5] a motion scale of .0005 may be appropriate.

XOffset/XOffset these values are added to the MouseX, MouseY values before output.

CCAliases used to rename standard CC names. Connect one or more Alias nodes here.

Debug produces copious output in the log windows.

Done when checked, the CCMouse node will exit. Remember to uncheck it before restarting.

The Example

In this example we demonstrate the ability to rename CC channels. You can view the generated signals in the plot output window.

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