ChucK Thanks!

Many people have contributed to ChucK by suggesting new ideas and various improvements, reporting problems, or writing code. Here is a list of these people. Help us keep it complete and exempt of errors.

The ChucK Team would like to thank:

Andrew Appel
Brian Kernighan
Paul Lansky
Roger Dannenberg
Brad Garton
Ken Steiglitz
Max Mathews
Chris Chafe
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
Nicholas J. Bryan
Jieun Oh
Jorge Herrera
Michael Wilson
NSF Creative IT Grant (No. IIS-0855758), 2010-2012
Gary Scavone
Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Nick Collins
Graham Coleman
Scott Smallwood
Tom Briggs
Paul Calamia
Mark Daly
Paul Brossier
Steven Sinclair
Niklas Werner
Robin Haberkorn
Matt Shanley
Adam Wendt
Mikael Johanssons
Magnus Danielson
Rasmus Kaj
Princeton Graphics Group
Princeton Laptop Orchestra
Stanford Laptop Orchestra
CCRMA researchers, composers, students
ChucK Users Community!!!

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