// name: interpolate.ck
// desc: using vec3 as a non-linear, slewing interpolator
// this is quite useful to making a percentage progress
// towards a goal, in an amount proportional to the slew
// and some delta time
// connect
SinOsc foo => dac;
// the interpolator
vec3 i;
// the interpolation rate
10::ms => dur irate;
// set initial .value, .goal, .slew
i.set( 440, 440, .05 * (second/irate) );
// spork interpolate function
spork ~ interpolate( irate );
// main shred sets the goal
while( true )
// set interpolator goal
i.update( Math.random2f(200,1000) );
// every so often
500::ms => now;
// function to drive interpolator(s) concurrently
fun void interpolate( dur delta )
while( true )
// interpolate (can also get new value via .value)
i.interp( delta ) => foo.freq;
// advance time by rate
delta => now;