// name: krstlchr.ck
// desc: KrystlChr (Krystal Choir) 4-Op FM Demo (TX81Z Algorithm 7)
// author: Perry R. Cook
// date: June 2021, for REPAIRATHON 2021
// needs chuck or above
// array of krystal choir instruments
KrstlChr c[7];
// to learn more about FrencHrn, uncomment this:
// KrstlChr.apropos();
Pan2 p[7];
NRev r[2] => dac;
// connect up
for (int i; i < 7; i++) {
c[i] => p[i] => r;
-1.0 + 0.333*i => p[i].pan;
Math.random2f(2.5,4.0) => c[i].lfoSpeed; // different modulations
// turn down the volum... for safety
0.12 => r[0].gain => r[1].gain;
[48, 55, 60, 65, 72, 79, 81] @=> int chord1[];
[46, 56, 63, 67, 70, 82, 89] @=> int chord2[];
<<< "Play some nice open chords...", "" >>>;
rollChord(chord1); second => now;
allOff(); second => now;
rollChord(chord2); second => now;
allOff(); second => now;
Std.mtof(50) => c[3].freq;
1 => c[3].noteOn; second => now;
<<< "Then loop on random open circle of 4ths notes...", "" >>>;
while( true )
Math.random2(0,6) => int which;
Math.random2(0,6) => which;
Math.random2(0,10)*5 => int space;
Std.mtof(38+space) => c[which].freq;
if (maybe)
1 => c[which].noteOff;
1 => c[which].noteOn;
second => now;
fun void rollChord( int chord[] )
for( int i; i < 7; i++ )
Std.mtof(chord[i]) => c[i].freq;
1 => c[i].noteOn;
Math.random2f(0.1,0.3)::second => now;
fun void allOff()
for (int i; i < 7; i++) 1 => c[i].noteOff;