// Dyno demo 1: "Limiter? I hardly know 'er!"
// Takes otf_07.ck, cranks the gain up obscenely high, then limits
// it so it won't clip.
// authors: Matt Hoffman (mdhoffma at cs.princeton.edu)
// Ge Wang (gewang at cs.princeton.edu)
// Perry Cook (prc at cs.princeton.edu)
// this synchronizes to period
.5::second => dur T;
T - (now % T) => now;
// construct the patch
SndBuf buf => Gain g => Dyno dy => JCRev r => dac;
me.sourceDir() + "/../data/kick.wav" => buf.read;
.01 => r.mix;
// make gain way too high, i.e. force clipping
100 => g.gain;
// turn on limiter functionality
// compensate for the limiter's gain reduction
5 => dy.gain;
// uncomment this to turn off the limiter. note that just because clipping
// sounds cool here doesn't mean it will in your patch.
// -1 => dy.op;
// where we actually want to start
25 => int where;
// time loop
while( true )
Math.random2f(.8,.9) => buf.gain;
// note: Math.randomf() returns value between 0 and 1
if( Math.randomf() > .75 )
0 => int i;
while( i < 8 )
i / 8.0 => buf.gain;
where => buf.pos;
(1.0/8.0)::T => now;
while( i > 0 )
i / 8.0 => buf.gain;
where => buf.pos;
(1.0/8.0)::T => now;
.9 => buf.gain;
where => buf.pos;
.25::T => now;
.3 => buf.gain;
where => buf.pos;
.25::T => now;
.3 => buf.gain;
where => buf.pos;
.25::T => now;
.9 => buf.gain;
where => buf.pos;
.25::T => now;
.3 => buf.gain;
where => buf.pos;
.25::T => now;
.3 => buf.gain;
where => buf.pos;
.25::T => now;
.9 => buf.gain;
where => buf.pos;
.25::T => now;
.3 => buf.gain;
where => buf.pos;
.25::T => now;