// osc_dump.ck
// listen to all OSC messages on specified port
// OSC in
OscIn oin;
// see if port is supplied on command line
if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => Std.atoi => oin.port;
// default port
else 9999 => oin.port;
// listen to everything coming
// something to shuttle data
OscMsg msg;
// infinite time loop
// wait for OSC input
oin => now;
// drain the message queue
while( oin.recv(msg) )
// print address
chout <= msg.address <= " ";
// loop over number of arguments
for(int n; n < msg.numArgs(); n++)
// print by type
if(msg.typetag.charAt(n) == 'i')
chout <= msg.getInt(n) <= " ";
else if(msg.typetag.charAt(n) == 'f')
chout <= msg.getFloat(n) <= " ";
else if(msg.typetag.charAt(n) == 's')
chout <= msg.getString(n) <= " ";
// print newline
chout <= IO.nl();