// name: n.ck
// desc: n-channel demo
// note: ChucK can be started with as much channels as is
// supported on the underlyding audio device; this can be
// done on command line (see chuck --help for more info)
// or in the miniAudicle Preferences (note changes will
// not take effect until the ChucK VM is (re)started
// number of channels
dac.channels() => int N;
// print
<<< "dac has", N, "channels" >>>;
// make osc bank
SinOsc s[N];
// connect to individual channels
for( int i; i < N; i++ )
s[i] => dac.chan(i);
Math.random2f( 400, 440 ) => s[i].freq;
.2 => s[i].gain;
// go
while( true ) 1::second => now;