// name: joy-fm.ck
// desc: uses first 3 axes of joystick to control mf, cf, index
//       for FM Synthesis
// note: select between joysticks by specifying device number;
//       to see a list of devices and their numbers, either...
//       1) view the Device Browser window in miniAudicle (select
//          "Human Interface Devices" in the drop-down menu)
//       OR 2) from the command line:
//          > chuck --probe
// author: Spencer Salazar

// which joystick
0 => int device;
// get from command line
if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => Std.atoi => device;

// modulator to carrier
SinOsc m => SinOsc c => Envelope e => dac;

// carrier frequency
220 => c.freq;
// modulator frequency
550 => m.freq;
// index of modulation
1000 => m.gain;

// phase modulation is FM synthesis (sync is 2)
2 => c.sync;

// attack
10::ms => e.duration;
.5 => e.gain;
// variables
int base;
float a0;
float a1;
float a2;
int count;

// start things
set( base, a0, a1, a2 );

// HID input and HID message
Hid hi;
HidMsg msg;

// try
if( !hi.openJoystick( device ) ) me.exit();
<<< "joystick '" + hi.name() + "' ready...", "" >>>;

// infinite time loop
while( true )
    // wait on event
    hi => now;
    // loop over messages
    while( hi.recv( msg ) )
        if( msg.isAxisMotion() )
            if( msg.which == 0 ) msg.axisPosition => a0;
            else if( msg.which == 1 ) msg.axisPosition => a1;
            else if( msg.which == 2 ) msg.axisPosition => a2;
            set( base, a0, a1, a2 );

        else if( msg.isButtonDown() )
            msg.which => base;
            if( count == 1 ) e.keyOn();
            set( base, a0, a1, a2 );

        else if( msg.isButtonUp() )
            msg.which => base;
            if( !count ) e.keyOff();

// mapping function
fun void set( int base, float v0, float v1, float v2 )
    // modulator frequency
    ( 500 + 5*base + ( 500 * v0) ) => m.freq;
    // carrier frequency
    ( 220 + (220 * v2) ) => c.freq;
    // index of modulation
    ( 1000 * (v1+1) ) => m.gain;
    <<< "carrier:", c.freq(), "modulator:", m.freq(), "index:", m.gain() >>>;
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