// Listing 9.4 Public class BPM acting like a global conductor
public class BPM
// (1) Variables declared this way are accessible globally
dur quarterNote, eighthNote, sixteenthNote, thirtysecondNote;
fun void tempo(float beat) { // (2) Function to set tempo (all variables)
// beat argument is BPM, example 120 beats per minute
// (3) Does a little math to go from BPM to seconds per beat
60.0/(beat) => float SPB; // seconds per beat
SPB :: second => quarterNote; // (4) Uses that to set all durations
quarterNote*0.5 => eighthNote;
eighthNote*0.5 => sixteenthNote;
sixteenthNote*0.5 => thirtysecondNote;
SinOsc s => dac;
BPM t; // Define t Object of Class BPM // (5) Tests your BPM object by making one
t.tempo(300); // set tempo in BPM // (6) Sets tempo of new BPM object
400 => int freq;
while (freq < 800)
freq => s.freq;
t.quarterNote => now; // (7) Uses .quarterNote method to advance time
50 +=> freq;