// Listing 8.5 Jazz band:
// save as "piano.ck"
// sound chain
Rhodey piano[4]; // (1) Four notes' worth of electric piano
piano[0] => dac.left; // (2) Connects them to left...
piano[1] => dac; // ...and center...
piano[2] => dac;
piano[3] => dac.right; // (3) ...and right dac channels.
// chord 2D array // (4) Array to hold two chords of four notes each.
[[53,57,60,64],[51,55,60,63]] @=> int chordz[][];
// loop
while( true ) // (5) Infinite loop
// build first chord
for( 0 => int i; i < 4; i++ )
{ // (6) Plays first chord...
Std.mtof(chordz[0][i]) => piano[i].freq;
Math.random2f(0.3,.7) => piano[i].noteOn;
1.0 :: second => now;
// build second chord
for( 0 => int i; i < 4; i++ )
{ // (7) ...then second chord
Math.mtof(chordz[1][i]) => piano[i].freq;
Math.random2f(0.3,.7) => piano[i].noteOn;
1.4 :: second => now;