// Listing 7.15 Using the HevyMetl FM UGen to synthesize an electric guitar
// a brief FM electric guitar tribute
HevyMetl jimi => PRCRev r => dac; // (1) FM "guitar" through reverb...
jimi => Delay d => d => r; // (2) ...and a delay line (for big, outdoor sound)
0.3 => d.gain;
1.2 :: second => d.max => d.delay;
// sets us up for whammy bar bend later
0.5 => jimi.lfoSpeed;
// (3) Table of notes, durations, and modulations
[67.0,1.2,0.1],[69.0,1.2,0.2]] @=> float banner[][];
// play through our data table first
0 => int i;
while (i < banner.cap()) { // (4) Plays all the notes in the table
banner[i][2] => jimi.lfoDepth;
1 +=> i;
// play last note longer, then
Std.mtof(82) => jimi.freq;
1 => jimi.noteOn;
2.0 :: second => now;
// go nuts and sweep frequency downward
while (jimi.freq() > 100.0) { // (5) Big gliss (pitch sweep) downward
0.98 * jimi.freq() => jimi.freq;
0.01 :: second => now;
1.0 :: second => now;
1 => jimi.noteOff;
2.0 :: second => now;
// function to play a note for a duration
fun void pick(float note,float howLong) { // (6) Function to pick each note
Std.mtof(note) => jimi.freq;
1 => jimi.noteOn;
(howLong - 0.1) :: second => now;
1 => jimi.noteOff;
0.1 :: second => now;