// Listing 6.5 Simple violin using SawOsc, Envelope, and SinOsc for vibrato
// Simple SawOsc-based violin with ADSR envelope and vibrato
SinOsc vibrato => SawOsc viol => ADSR env => dac;
// (1) Tells the oscillator to interpret input as frequency modulation
2 => viol.sync;
6.0 => vibrato.freq; // (2) set vibrato frequency to 6 Hz
// (3) set all A D S R parameters at once
env.set(0.1 :: second, 0.1 :: second, 0.5, 0.1 :: second);
// define a D Major Scale (in MIDI note numbers)
[62, 64, 66, 67, 69, 71, 73, 74] @=> int scale[]; // (4) Makes a scale note array
// run through our scale one note at a time
for (0 => int i; i < scale.cap(); i++) // (5) Plays through whole scale using for loop
// set frequency according to note number
Std.mtof(scale[i]) => viol.freq; // (6) Sets frequency for each note
// trigger note and wait a bit
1 => env.keyOn;
0.3 :: second => now;
// turn off note and wait a bit
1 => env.keyOff;
0.1 :: second => now;
// repeat last note with lots of vibrato
1 => env.keyOn;
10.0 => vibrato.gain;
1.0 :: second => now;
0 => env.keyOff;
0.2 :: second => now;