// Listing 5.9 Creating and using a cool granularize() function to chop up a sound file
SndBuf2 click => dac; // (1) Makes and connects a stereo SndBuf2
// read soundfile, (2) Loads stereo SndBuf2 with a stereo sound file
me.dir() + "/audio/stereo_fx_01.wav" => click.read;
// function to hack up any sound file
fun void granularize(SndBuf myWav, int steps ) // (3) Defines granularize function
myWav.samples()/steps => int grain; // (4) Calculates grain size
// (5) Sets play pointer to random grain location in buffer
Math.random2(0,myWav.samples() - grain) + grain => myWav.pos;
grain :: samp => now;
// Main Program
while (true)
// call function, time passes there
granularize(click, 70);