// Listing 5.8 Main program uses swell to expressively play a melody
// swell function, operates on any type of UGen
fun void swell(UGen osc, float begin, float end, float step)
{ // (1) swell function definition
float val;
// swell up volume
for (begin => val; val < end; step +=> val) // (2) for loop to ramp up volume
val => osc.gain;
0.01 :: second => now;
// swell down volume
while (val > begin) // (3) while loop to ramp it back down
val => osc.gain;
step -=> val;
0.01:: second => now;
// Main program
// our sound "patch"
TriOsc tri => dac; // (1) Triangle oscillator to test swell function
// global (2) Array of notes to play
[60,62,63,65,63,64,65,58,57,56] @=> int notes[];
// Swell through all notes
for (0 => int i; i < notes.cap(); i++) { // (3) Iterates through notes array
Std.mtof(notes[i]) => tri.freq; // (4) Sets frequency
swell(tri,0.2,1.0,0.01); // (5) Calls swell function