// Listing 5.19 Playing chords on an array of SinOsc UGens, using a function

// Sound Network
SinOsc chord[3];               // (1) Three oscillators for a chord

for (0 => int i; i < chord.cap(); i++)
    // connect each element of our array to dac
    chord[i] => dac;           // (2) Connects them all to the dac...

    // adjust gain so we don't overload
    1.0/chord.cap() => chord[i].gain; // (3) ...and sets their gains so you don't overload.

fun void playChord(int root, string quality, dur howLong)
    // set root of chord
    Std.mtof(root) => chord[0].freq;        // (4) Root of chord.

    // set fifth of chord
    Std.mtof(root+7) => chord[2].freq;      // (5) Fifth of chord.

    // third sets quality, major or minor
    if (quality == "major")
        Std.mtof(root+4) => chord[1].freq;  // (6) Major chord.
    else if (quality == "minor") {
        Std.mtof(root+3) => chord[1].freq;  // (7) Minor chord.
        <<< "You must specify major or minor!!" >>>;
    howLong => now;

<<< "This code makes no sound.", "Run Listing 5.20 to test and hear it!!" >>>;
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