// Listing 5.17 Sonifying the factorial() function
SinOsc s => dac; //(1) SinOsc so you can hear factorial
// our recursive factorial function
fun int factorial(int x) // (2) factorial function definition
sonify(x); // (3) Call the sonify function within factorial
if (x <=1) return 1;
else return (x*factorial(x-1));
// a function to sonify numbers
fun void sonify(int note) { // (4) Definition of the sonify function
// offset above middle C
Std.mtof(60+(0.5*note)) => s.freq; // (5) Sets frequency as function of note
1.0 => s.gain; // (6) Turns on Osc
300 :: ms => now;
0.0 => s.gain;
50 :: ms => now;
// try it out!
second => now;
second => now;
second => now;
second => now;