// Listing 11.2 Simple piano synthesizer controlled by MIDI input
// Setup MIDI input, set a port number, try to open it
MidiIn min; // (1) Makes a MidiIn object
// MIDI Port (ChucK Menu: Window > Device Browser > MIDI > Input)
0 => int port;
// open the port, fail gracefully
if( !min.open(port) ) // (2) Tries to open it on port, handles failure
<<< "Error: MIDI port did not open on port: ", port >>>;
// holder for received messages
MidiMsg msg; // (3) Makes object to hold MIDI messages
// make an instrument to play
Rhodey piano => dac; // (4) Rhodey piano to play with MIDI controller
// loop
while( true ) // (5) Infinite loop
min => now; // (6) Sleeps until a MIDI input message comes
// advance when receive MIDI msg
while( min.recv(msg) )
<<< msg.data1, msg.data2, msg.data3 >>>;
if (msg.data1 == 144) {
Std.mtof(msg.data2) => piano.freq;
msg.data3/127.0 => piano.gain;
1 => piano.noteOn;
else {
1 => piano.noteOff;