// Listing 10.5 Using a custom Event subclass, with polymorphism
class TheEvent extends Event // (1) Declares Event subclass with extra instance variables.
int note; // (2) Integer note instance variable.
float velocity; // (3)Float velocity instance variable.
TheEvent evnt, evnt2; // (4) Declares two new TheEvent objects.
// patch
NRev globalReverb => dac; // (5) Declares a global reverb for use by all.
.1 => globalReverb.mix;
// instrument function to spork
fun void poly( StkInstrument instr, TheEvent e, string s )
{ // (6) Declares an event-waiting, instrument-playing function.
// connect to output
instr => globalReverb; // (7) Connects the instrument to your global reverb.
// hang out waiting to receive an event to play
while( true ) // (8) Infinite loop.
// wait
e => now; // (9) Waits for event to be signaled.
// play
e.note => Std.mtof => instr.freq; // (10 When event comes, sets note frequency
e.velocity => instr.noteOn; // (11) ...and fires instrument with velocity.
// spork a few polys, listening on "evnt"
spork ~ poly( new StifKarp, evnt, "StifKarp" ); // (12) Sporks an evnt-waiting function with a StifKarp instrument...
spork ~ poly( new Mandolin, evnt, "Mandolin" ); // (13) and another with a Mandolin instrument...
spork ~ poly( new Wurley, evnt, "Wurley" ); // (14) ...and yet another with an FM Wurley instrument.
// spork one poly listening on "evnt2"
spork ~ poly( new Rhodey, evnt2, "Rhodey" ); // (15) Sporks an evnt2-waiting function with a Rhodey instrument.
[60,62,64,67,69,72,74,76,79] @=> int notes[]; // (16) Notes scale for your gamelan (a scale is called a laya).
// play forever
while( true )
{ // (17) Infinite loop.
// fire the next signal, on a dice roll
Math.random2(1,6) => int dice; // (18) Dice roll.
if (dice != 1)
{ // (19) Five times out of 6, pick a note from the laya.
// pick a random note from our array
notes[Math.random2(0,notes.cap()-1)] => evnt.note;
Math.random2f( .2, .9 ) => evnt.velocity; // (20) Random velocity.
// send the signal to only one instrument
evnt.signal(); // (21) Signal event (one of StifKarp, Mandolin, Wurley)...
// and advance time
0.25 :: second => now;
{ // (22) ...otherwise, pick a lower laya note and signal evnt2 (Rhodey)...
// play a lower notes on evnt2, and all of the evnt instruments
notes[Math.random2(0,notes.cap()-1)] - 24 => evnt2.note;
notes[0] - 12 => evnt.note;
1.0 => evnt2.velocity;
// on all instrument shreds
evnt.broadcast(); // (23) ...and broadcast to all evnt listener instruments.
// and wait longer
second => now;