// name: harm.ck
// desc: using Tracking and Smacking to harmonize
// author: Rebecca Fiebrink + Ge Wang
// date: 2007
// synthesis
BlitSaw s => JCRev r => dac;
4 => s.harmonics;
// set reverb mix
.05 => r.mix;
// possible hamonizing intervals
[ 3-24, 4-12, 7, 9+12 ] @=> int harms[];
float the_harm;
// interpolate
float target_freq, curr_freq, target_gain, curr_gain;
spork ~ ramp_stuff();
spork ~ smack_handler();
// go for it
while( true )
// wait for analysis event
Tracking.the_event => now;
// set freq
Tracking.the_freq * Math.pow(1.059, the_harm) => target_freq;
// set gain
Tracking.the_gain => target_gain;
// interpolation
fun void ramp_stuff()
// mysterious 'slew'
0.025 => float slew;
// infinite time loop
while( true )
(target_freq - curr_freq) * 1 * slew + curr_freq => curr_freq => s.freq;
(target_gain - curr_gain) * .25 * slew + curr_gain => curr_gain => s.gain;
0.0025::second => now;
// handles smack
fun void smack_handler()
// go
while( true )
// wait
Smacking.the_event => now;
// choose random interval
harms[Math.random2(0,harms.size()-1)] => the_harm;
// set freq
Tracking.the_freq * Math.pow(1.059, the_harm) => target_freq;
// print
<<< "new interval:", the_harm >>>;