// name: autocorr.ck
// desc: finding the pitch of a note
// author: Curtis Ullerich
// UGen/UAna patch
SinOsc s => Flip flip =^ AutoCorr corr => blackhole;
// analysis zie
1024 => flip.size;
// output in [-1,1]
true => corr.normalize;
// calculate sample rate
second/samp => float srate;
// pitch estimate
fun float estimatePitch()
// perform analysis at corr (propagating backwards)
// for simplicity, ignore bins for notes that are "too high"
// to care about; stop at the mid-point because it's symmetrical.
(srate/Std.mtof(90)) $ int => int maxBin;
// iterate over result of analysis
for( maxBin => int bin; bin < corr.fvals().size()/2; bin++ )
// look for max
if( corr.fval(bin) >= corr.fval(maxBin) ) {
bin => maxBin;
// return frequency
return srate/maxBin;
// loop
for (int i; i < 10; i++)
// randomize freq
Math.random2f(Std.mtof(40), Std.mtof(80)) => s.freq;
// move forward in time (by analysis frame size)
flip.size()::samp => now;
// print
<<< "pitch", s.freq(), "estimated to be", estimatePitch(), "hz" >>>;