// Analyze audio file
SndBuf obama => Sigmund siggy => blackhole;
// change this to the path to your audio file
me.dir() + "../PitchTrack/data/obama.wav" => obama.read;
0 => obama.pos;
true => siggy.tracks; // sort sinusoids into tracks
128 => Std.mtof => siggy.maxfreq; // don't track high freqs
10 => int numTracks;
numTracks => siggy.npeak; // set max number of peaks
2048 => siggy.npts; // larger analysis window
// resynthesize sound based on sinusoidal tracking
Envelope freq[numTracks]; // envelopes help smooth results
Envelope amp[numTracks];
SinOsc resynth[numTracks];
for (int i; i<numTracks; i++)
resynth[i] => amp[i] => dac;
freq[i] => blackhole;
10::ms => freq[i].duration; // increase this for portamento
10::ms => amp[i].duration;
obama.length() => dur len;
now + len => time end;
spork ~ updateFreqs();
while (now < end)
for (int i; i<numTracks; i++)
float ftgt;
siggy.peak(i) => ftgt;
// quantize f for funkier output
Std.ftom(ftgt) $ int => Std.mtof => ftgt;
ftgt => freq[i].target;
siggy.amp(i) => amp[i].target;
// try a higher value for an audible pulse
100::ms => now;
// freq envelope used to set resynth frequencies smoothly
fun void updateFreqs()
while (true)
for (int i; i<numTracks; i++)
freq[i].value() => resynth[i].freq;
ms => now;