// Using FIR filters to make formants
// by Perry R. Cook, October 2012
// This is generally a dumb idea, because
// formants should be slowly time varying,
// but it gives another idea of the silly
// and amazing things we can do with filters.
Impulse glot => FIR fof1 => dac;
glot => FIR fof2 => dac;
glot => FIR fof3 => dac;
1024 => fof1.order => fof2.order => fof3.order;
[[300.0, 870.0, 2240.0],
[270.0,2290.0,3010.0]] @=> float vowels[][];
while (1) {
0.1 => glot.next;
Std.rand2f(0.01,0.05) :: second => now;
if (Std.rand2(0,10) == 0) loadVowel(Std.rand2(0,2));
fun void loadVowel(int which) {
for (0 => int i; i < 1024; i++) {